So this time I am branching out without Laura, and going back to my old roots....a Southern Baptist church. After a very rough week on an emotional rollercoaster I wasn't sure if church would help me or bring back the tears. But, it felt like a good place to go after the week I had!
The church I would be attending was Grove Avenue Baptist with my friend Gina. It would also be televised so I felt the need to take some time and put my best face forward. You always want to be prepared for a little camera time, and somehow I tend to find myself in that position (who am I kidding...I might kind of seek it out). I knew that Gina would be taking the opposite approach, having attended a Zumba class with her last week and while my urge was to barrell towards the front, hers was to stay firmly in the back. In fact, she was not pleased we weren't all the way in the back! So, when we arrived at Grove I wasn't surprised that we beelined for the balcony. Slightly sad that might mean no camera time, I quickly reminded myself that was not my purpose....I am on a church journey here! And I have some good memories of the balcony at my old church - my family and I went through a phase where that was our spot! As I grabbed my cell phone to put it on vibrate I saw a text from my mom. She was taping the service to see if she would see me on tv - and you all wonder where I get it from? I told her I was in the balcony, but she still felt like there was a chance.
This being Palm Sunday it wasn't the usual service. There was tons of music and some taped segments from the pastor (he was in Asia). But, surprisingly, I still didn't get the traditional hymns...I thought this would be a sure thing here!!! I saw "The Old Rugged Cross" on the program and got pumped as I know this one (almost by heart!), but it was just a musical interlude during the offertory. I decided to sing it loudly myself as a solo (April Fool's!!!).
This made me wonder.....maybe my old church has totally changed and is like this too. I mean, I haven't been since the 90's. And I think I can speak for all of us as I think of my flat iron free hair, high waisted jeans and love of baggy ensembles that change from that era is not a bad thing. Church has progressed along too. Like when I had asked Gina where the organ was, she told me that no one knows how to play the organ anymore. I felt like church was one of those things that stayed just the same, but this exploration of different churches is proving that theory very wrong!
What was familiar, and very much enjoyed - the big choir, the loud singing, the friendliness. I got my hand grasped with a cheerful good morning several times as I made my way in and out. I felt really good being there. My mind was totally taken off my problems of the week. And, I felt the need to pay my respects - I have felt so supported by my family and friends over the last several days with people saying that I have been in their prayers. And, I really felt that!
After church finished we went and got Gina's children and headed out. Her daughter told me it was April Fool's Day before she tried several Aprils Fools jokes on me. It was a clear day with the sun shining when she said "Look it's snowing outside!" to which Gina and I acted shocked "It is??" "Oh my gosh!" before she yelled out "April Fool's". I then heard her whisper to her brother "They totally fell for that one". Kids can always keep you smiling!
Ran some errands, doing stuff around the house, the phone rang and saw it was my mom. "Amy, your dad and I saw you on tv!". Family can always keep you smiling too :)
Happy Palm Sunday!!!!